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E-book Reader

to Taste of Life E-Publishing ...a creative

platform for writers of food, travel,

photography, inspirations &

motivations, self-help and memoir ...

who would love to be published in a

digital format.




Julie Stafford


Why write a book?


WRITE A BOOK to open doors to all sorts of new opportunities for you.

WRITE A BOOK and give your voice credibility.


WRITE A BOOK for the pure satisfaction of seeing it finished.


WRITE A BOOK because you have something of value to share.


WRITE A BOOK and change someone's life.


WRITE A BOOK to earn extra income. SUCCESFUL BOOKS make a lot of extra income!

WRITE A BOOK and enrich the lives of others.

WRITE A BOOK and build your brand awareness and even leverage it to build a new business concept.


I can't wait to read you ...

If you are ready to be a published writer, produce content that empowers and entertains, we are ready to read you to see if there is a connect for us to work together. Check out the genres we are

looking for and discover the benefits of being a

Taste of Life E-Publishing author.


Pitch us your ideas, your half-written manuscripts or your finished manuscripts?


If you need help in structuring your idea, the writing process and formatting your idea into an e-book you might like to consider the writing coaching sessions with Julie or follow the do-it-yourself way with

 Write & Profit by Julie Stafford. 





Pitch me your book idea...

Work From Home
Keyboard and Mouse
Let's get started ...  
"Why do we have all this life if we don't use it..."
Shirley Valentine  






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